You know winter is here when: SEXCHANGE starts wearing a tee shirt over a singlet The Aldi ski sale, and associated mental health issues, is starting to become a distant memory There is Snow on the Brindys When Rambo sets a run from Melrose High And so, having found ourselves in the car park of Melrose high school, expectation was high for a good run and great Nosh. We were not disappointed. The deregistered Gynocologist did himself proud yet again. TAINTED LOVE gave a lively walk report, recounted all the conversations that occurred over the 4.5km trail, nothing about the trail itself, mind you, there was important talking to do. 2/10 Whereas FISHFINGER actually reported fairly accurately on the actual trail. All uphill, all into headwinds, complete lack of escalators and no shortcut tunnels with wind assist. We had our first Gluvine of the season at the drink stop, dips, cheeses, chips, and canapes and whatnot. RAMBO was operating at his usual high standard. Back at the circle, the fire bucket got off to its usual slow GERBILs assisted start (Will you lot never learn) But eventually was pumping out a couple of hundred British Thermal Units (BTUs). The Cranky dummy spitter (POPTART) immediatly launched into an attack on every man in the circle. During the evening we all copped a flogging (metiphorically speaking) from the spleen venter. First off was MEAT TO PLEEZE YOU, then MEAT again with MCTRASH, later on we copped it again, and again, and again. WEATHERMAN found words to rythm with 'Echoes' and 'Gynocologist' for the Hare song We welcomed JUST JENNY from the old dart, Cop Blimey, grab your egg and fours and lets get the bacon delivered. RAMBO was charged for false advertising. SCARLETT was charged for looking a little rough. CAPT HORNBLOWER was charged for not quality controlling the output of GREASE NIPPLES hash horn. All of us Long pantsers were dragged into the circle. GERBILs was seen conducting secret hash training. POPTART charged some more males of the species for being arseholes (Its like this every time DANGLES is away) COUNT HER FEET and GOBBLES were spotted in the Canberra times mediaslutting SCARLETT attempted to charge MCTRASH for taking up 9 parking spaces, in an almost empty car park. Just for one minute, POPTART was interupted from her anti male diatribe and charged with taking one up the rear and having a bent chassis. SUNBEAN was criticised for being Hash cash but not having a new car. There was an attempted Coup-de-tat by a number of Harriets, led by POPTART, but ultimately unsuccesfull because the key players were all engaged in there own conversations and didnt seize the moment. And so all the Harriets had a down down Awards: Dummy spit award went to POPTART (No surprises there) TURKEY SLAP got the FRB McTAF got the Piss Poor Performance award for a reason which once again alluded him. HORNBLOWER - 23 runs, CRUNCHY CRACK 100 runs, CRASH and BURN 77, It is RAMBOs birthday very soon. Note: Whilst every attempt is made to deliver an accurate and concise report of the proceedings, due to the almost non existant recollection capacity of the Pulitzer winning notes taker, there may be slight and subtle differences between the way you remember it happening and the way i remember it happening. (Pokes tongue out)